Georgia Department of Natural Resources Online Help System

Create Customer Account

The Social Security Number is a unique identification number that is required for most U.S.Citizens and Georgia residents when creating a customer account. It is collected by the State of Georgia for the purchase of any recreational license.

Social Security Number

When you create your customer account, you can choose to enter your Social Security Number (SSN) as a second form of identification. After you log into the system, you are not allowed to change your SSN. The system disables the SSN field after you create your customer account, and will not allow you to edit it. If you entered an incorrect SSN and would like to change it, you will need to contact an authorized Georgia Department of Natural Resources (GADNR) customer service agent.

  • If you did not provide your social security number when you searched for your customer account, you will need to enter your social security number in the Social Security Number field if you a U.S. Citizen.

Important: For additional information on why we need your social security number, please Visit GADNR for more information.

Help Content ID: 524