Georgia Department of Natural Resources Online Help System


All the licenses that you added to your shopping cart are listed on this page. You can remove a single license or all the licenses from your shopping cart, and when you are ready to checkout, choose your delivery method, and verify your mailing address. Please double check to ensure that you have all the necessary licenses before you check out. If you do not have all the necessary licenses, you will need to return to the License Catalog to add them.
To continue shopping for licenses, click on the Continue Shopping button.

Online Cart

You can use the following options to remove licenses from your online cart:
  • Clear Cart - If you would like to remove all the licenses from your shopping cart, click on the Clear Cart button. All the licenses that you added are removed from the cart.
  • Remove from Cart - If you would like to remove a single license from your shopping cart, click on the Remove from Cart button next to the license that you would like to remove. The license that you selected is removed from the cart.

Delivery & Verification

Before you check out and finalize your purchase, you will need to select your delivery method and verify your mailing address if you would like to your licenses delivered by U.S Mail:
Follow the instructions below to select your delivery method and verify your mailing address:
  1. Select your delivery method from the Select Delivery Method drop down list. If you select U.S. Mail as your delivery method, you will need to verify your mailing address.
  2. If you selected U.S. Mail for your delivery method, select the I verify that the address above is accurate and acknowledge that my license purchase will be mailed to that address check box if your address is correct. If your address is not correct, click on the here link to change your address.
  3. To check out and pay for your licenses, click on the Checkout button.

Help Content ID: 535

Help Content ID: 535